What is this site?
Txtlog.net is a service for consolidating logs from various systems into one online log. It is used by many users worldwide to keep track of important events, such as server logins.
This service is licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE for further info.
The Geo IP data is provided by iptoasn.com, licensed under the Public Domain Dedication and License version v1.0.
The SSH and RDP scripts are simple and should work out of the box on most systems. They are built for resilience, i.e. when this site is slow or even offline, the regular login procedure is not affected.
The RDP script might need some tweaking based on your Windows group policies. The script creates a new scheduled task, which should run automatically after an RDP event. If the script does not seem to work try one of these:
  • Recommended way: Open the start menu -> Type cmd, right click on Command Prompt -> Run as administrator. In the command prompt run:
    powershell C:\Temp\txtlog.ps1
    Replace the path C:\Temp\txtlog.ps1 with the correct location of the script. Importing the task this way also prevent a Powershell window from flashing after you login.
  • Open the created "txtlog" task in the Windows Task Scheduler. Change the Security options to Run whether user is logged in or not and change the User to a local account (such as your own account) instead of the Network Service. Save the task with OK, provide your username and password and try opening/closing an RDP session.
The SSH and RDP scripts are provided without any warranty. The scripts cannot access passwords.
Uninstalling scripts
The RDP script can be uninstalled by opening the Windows Task Scheduler and removing the task named txtlog. This completely removes the program without leaving any traces.
The SSH script can be completely uninstalled by deleting the txtlog script and undoing the PAM modifications:
sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/txtlog
sudo sed -i '/\(common auth info using \|\/usr\/local\/bin\/\)txtlog/d' /etc/pam.d/common-auth
Txtlog.net is free to use, modify and host yourself, even for commercial use. See the MIT license for details.
Upgrades are available offering more storage space for a fee. Payment is done securely using Stripe. A subscription can be cancelled at any time from the Stripe dashboard.
The following limits apply to free accounts, these can be changed when hosting yourself.
Maximum rows per log
Maximum length per row
Maximum requests per 10 minutes
Maximum retention
30 days